Which currencies are supported by Crypto2Cash?
We support the following currencies*: AUD CAD CHF CZK DKK EUR GBP HKD HUF ILS JPY MXN NOK NZD PLN RON SEK SGD THB TRY USD ZAR *And additional currencies on request: AED, CNY/RMB, IDR, INR, KWD, MYR, PHP
Which cryptocurrencies are supported by Crypto2Cash?
Our platform and app solution supports currently the below 3 virtual currencies: Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin Cash However, if you are to transact larger transactions in other cryptos, we may be able to assist you. Please reach out to us on support@crypto2cash.com . Please include information such as which cryptos, transaction size and frequencies.
How can I change phone number, address or email on my account?
If you need to change your phone number, address or email address on your account, please reach out to our support and we will be happy to assist you. Please contact us on support@crypto2cash.com or the chat functionality.
2 Factor Authentication (2FA)
If you have already created an account with Crypto2Cash, you can use your email and password to log in. In order to ensure the security of the services, the first time you will receive an SMS as the 2FA, however we strongly advice that you use one of the available authentication tools for this going […]
When do I receive my payment?
Crypto2Cash pays out to your designated bank account immediately once the transation is completed
I am not able to sell by cryptos on the platform/app?
There can be several reasons why you are not able to sell your cryptos on our platform. 1. You did not complete the account verification: You submitted the cryptos before you had completed the account verification and consequently you are not yet our customer and cannot yet use our services. Please complete the verification process, […]
How to request your quote
If you have activated an account with us and verified a bank account with us, you can use the request for quote functionality. Using the ‘Quotes’ screen You can easily request a quote using the ‘quotes’ screen. It is the first screen you will see after you log in to the Crypto2Cash app. Here you […]
How to deposit your cryptocurrency
Once you have been verified as a customer and you wish to use our services to sell your crypto for any one of the 29 fiat currencies supported by Crypto2Cash, you will first need to deposit the cryptocurrency you wish to sell. This guide is aimed to help you through the process of making your […]
How to add your bank account
Before you can start to sell your cryptocurrency through Crypto2Cash, you will first need to add details of the bank account where you would like your funds sent. This guide is aimed to help you through the process of adding your bank account details. Using the ‘bank accounts’ screen You can easily add your bank […]
How fast does Crypto2Cash pay out?
If your account is verified and you have submitted all the required bank information, including a copy of a bank statement, then the proceeds of a confirmed transaction will be paid out to your bank account from us immediately. Unfortunately, as it is normal bank transfers, how quickly the funds are credited to your account […]