We have built our solution to enable you to sell your cryptocurrency in a fast and secure manner. We do not aim to be a wallet service. That would create unnecessary exposure of your crypto for you and for us.
In the case you wish to withdraw the cryptocurrency you have deposited on your wallet address with Crypto2Cash, please contact our support team. We are able to return cryptocurrency to the sending address it originated from. In your request, please provide the below:
1. The full wallet address, to where it should be sent. You should ensure that it is an actual text and not just a screenshot, as this helps ensure that it goes to the correct wallet address. If it is not the same wallet address as you used to make the deposit, you have to provide an explanation as to why it cannot be returned to the same wallet address.
2. Screenshot of the wallet showing the wallet address. You need to also confirm, that you own and control this wallet address.
3. Why? You need to provide an explanation as to why you need this deposit to be returned to the depositing wallet address.
Please note, the deposit will be returned minus any applicable blockchain fees (these are out of our control) and minus our handling fee for this service.
Any questions to the above – please do not hesitate to write us at support@crypto2cash.com and we will be happy to assist.